Content for Virtual Production Studios
The latest generation of Meta Cameras is built with virtual production studios in mind. The Meta Three can capture footage at up to 12.5k resolution, making it perfect for large LED Walls.
Crucially, as the lenses are close together and the form factor is far smaller than large arrays, it stitches together completely seamlessly. It is far easier to create immersive content for virtual productions with our cameras AND it gives better results.

Driving Plates
A lot of content for VP studios is shot as 'driving plates' or moving content from cars. This is tricky to get just right, but when you do, it looks stunning. We have a lot of experience shooting these plates ourselves and with partners. Check out some of the examples below.

The Witcher VFX Breakdown - NETFLIX
Meta Cameras were used in the production of this VFX breakdown film for NETFLIX. We shot the plates and stitched the 360 video footage for this award winning short.
The Greatest Beer Run Ever - Skydance Media
Meta Cameras were used to capture aerial footage from helicopters over Thailand (to look like Vietnam). The resulting 360 video footage was projected on the LED walls around the helicopter.
12k Driving Plate Example Download
If you would like to download some driving footage from a gimbal stabilised setup on a car, then click here. A LUT has been applied - original footage available on request. Footage is 25FPS. Many thanks to Ignacio Ferrando.
12k Background Plate Example Download
Here's a 12k shot from the Eden Project that you can download and checkout on a large screen/volume. Brilliant for pixelpeeping. Download here.