The Meta Four
Versatility and Power

Versatile 360 Video Camera with swappable lenses
There's a whole new generation of VR headsets out there that need a new generation of content, the camera needs to be 3D, high resolution, high frame rate, high dynamic range and of course, highly controllable.
We wanted to produce a camera system that could adapt to the needs of the next project. Swapping out the lenses on the camera could allow you to jump from highly comfortable and high frame rate 3D to extreme resolutions of mono.

20k Mono at 60fps
10k x 10k 3D at 60fps
7k x 7k 3D at 120fps
Key Features

No Hyperbole
The META Four is a professional 360 camera with a resolution by default of 7K x 7K with an over under export of it's 3D content. The eight lenses have great overlap and cover the full 360 by 180 degree sphere.
We can also supply the camera as a 10.5k x 10.5k 3D camera with a different set of lenses, this will though leave a small hole at the top of the 360 that can either be filled in post or you can buy the 'top-hat' camera and capture the full sphere.
If you swap out the lenses you can reach a whopping monoscopic 20k resolution. Please get in touch to find out more about this version of the setup (we can take orders for these lenses too).
Everything on this page is shot on our camera. It's brand new, so we've only got captures of our local park so far! We will be adding more to this library as we test new lenses and setups. Please contact us for more examples.
Here's 30s from our local park in London. Select '8k' in YouTube and have a look at the sharpness and dynamic range in the shot. Shot Rec709. Watch in a headset to see the wonderful, natural 3D.

This is the park test footage, shot at 60FPS download and try to stitch for yourself.